RETURN MIGRATION AFTER BRAIN DRAINA simulation approachA.E.Biondo, A.Pluchino, A.Rapisarda
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS) 16 (2) 11
The Brain Drain phenomenon is particularly heterogeneous and is characterized by peculiar specifications. It influences the economic fundamentals of both the country of origin and the host one in terms of human capital accumulation. Here, the brain drain is considered from a microeconomic perspective: more precisely we focus on the individual rational decision to return, referring it to the social capital owned by the worker. The presented model, restricted to the case of academic personnel, compares utility levels to justify agents migration conduct and to simulate several scenarios with a NetLogo agent based model. In particular, we developed a simulation framework based on two fundamental individual features, i.e. risk aversion and initial expectation, which characterize the dynamics of different agents according to the random evolution of their personal social networks. Our main result is that, according to the value of risk aversion and initial expectation, the probability of return migration depends on their ratio, with a certain degree of approximation: when risk aversion is much bigger than the initial expectation, the probability of returns is maximal, while, in the opposite case, the probability for the agents to remain abroad is very high. In between, when the two values are comparable, it is very difficult to draw any forecast......
Brain-Drain Survey - Universit degli Studi di Catania
Vi chiediamo di dedicare qualche minuto del vostro tempo alla compilazione di un breve questionario, creato allo scopo di raccogliere informazioni sul fenomeno della fuga dei cervelli (brain-drain) dall'Italia all'estero e sugli eventuali rientri. |